Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Horrible Houses

     As amazing as last night was, today was less than stellar. We spent basically the entire day searching online for piezas, emailing and calling and leaving voicemails and texting and facebook-ing and on and on! At the end of about 9 hours of searching we had roughly 7 possibilities and had visited just 2. The first place we visited, ¡qué desastre! The ad said two rooms available, 170,000  pesos($340) each, and the pictures were adorable, but when we got there, there was one cramped room left, with a tiny attached bathroom and a mini "kitchen", meaning they stuffed a second sink and a microwave in the room. Plus, he was charging 250,000 ($500) instead!!!
    The second place provided us with a much more pleasing option, but it was pretty far away from anything really and it took us sooo long to get there after getting lost. The area seemed a little seedy and we felt we wouldn't be comfortable walking back home there at night, so our decision is still pending on that one. We'll keep looking and I promise you'll be the first to know when we have a place!

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