Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Sun salutations and serene swimming

SUNDAY MARCH 11th, 2013
     Today was a planned relaxation day. Jess and I made up our minds at the end of our miserable Saturday night to spend the whole day at the OASIS that is the lower pool on the Cerro San Cristóbal. Together, we got up early, made lunches, put on sunblock, and hiked our butts off up that hill. We blazed through the hour-long trail in 40 or 45 minutes and were SO excited when we finally got to the pool. It was 6,000 pesos per person ($12) but beyond worth it! This is what it looked like when we finally stopped hiking up the ridiculous hill.
 This was our level of excitement when we got our tickets and got in the complex. We spent the next 5 and a half hours enjoying the crap out of that pool and the sun and the temperature and the weather and it was just amazing.
     Three of our friends joined us about halfway through, but we knew we got the most out of our tickets ;) The pool was absolutely freezing, but there was a giant boulder in the middle with a small shelf of rock to one side that you could sit on. Spectacular. And of course, they had a nice, big, Chilean flag on the top. We had such a wonderful, relaxed day and we so deserved it. And yes Mom and Dad, I put sunblock on all day long, don't worry. I was a little pink at the end of the day, and Jess got burned in some spots, but we blame the ozone, because we've heard it's almost nonexistent over some parts of Chile.
     All in all, it was an excellent day, and probably the best one we've spent so far in Santiago :)
(Also, we saw a gecko on a wall; that was exciting too. Haha) Muchas gracias al PMS! (Parque Metropolitano de Santiago). You can bet we laughed at the PMS signs all the way up!

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