Friday, May 24, 2013

Dithering Weather

     While it has been getting a little chillier down here in Chile, (haha, see what I did there?) I am left more than a little confused by the weather. In terms of seasons, we have the opposite of what it would be like back home. Here it's fall moving into winter. Basically, it's November. Except, this is what most people are dressing like in the streets: (pic) and here is what I wore today: (pic). For real??? No wonder they all look at me like I'm a crazy gringa. I don't feel crazy though; today it was at least 75 degrees outside. Earlier in the week, however, it was below between 55 and 65 every day. Make up your mind temperature!! It's very difficult to dress for the day, like my eloquent friend Kris said in his blogpost, when it's freezing in the morning, warm to almost hot in the afternoon, and then freezing again at night (and that's not including what clothing weight you do or don't want to lug all the way to your classes all day).
     Now, I tend to wear the same style of outfit to work everyday, with an occasional long-sleeved cardigan instead of a short or three-quarter sleeve one, the Chileans are bundled up like they're going to brave their way through the tundra on their way to work. It's like these Santiaguinos (people from Santiago) were just desperately waiting for a cool autumn breeze, so they could whip out their beautiful, luxurious alpaca scarves, sweaters, caps, gloves, socks, and who knows what else they've woven from llama hair? While it all looks delightfully snuggly, I can't help but wonder if they're sweating buckets underneath, or if they really are that cold already. I'm a little frustrated that I brought so much "cold weather" clothing, especially since it weighs down my luggage and I don't seem to need it! Yes it gets colder at night, but by then I'm snuggled in my bed next to my best friend and we don't have a problem (or a heater that functions surprisingly. Most places in Santiago do not have indoor heating.) So much for the 8 pairs of tights that I brought, and my thick woolen skirt, and my North Face. I barely even wear my sweatshirt here! Plus, I just realized, when it's coldest in Santiago, we'll be going North where it's warmer.
     Oy vey, talk about climate change complaints. Oh well, I guess if you're gonna be called a gringa, might as well be for my clothes rather than my hair or skin or mannerisms. Oh wait, you mean, regular Chileans don't walk around listening to Harry Potter on their iPods and crying to it? Hmm, I guess I don't blend in here as much as I thought... ;)

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